This remains one of my favourite breads to eat…like a few dozen other, but truly a nice pide/ or its relative the barbary naan bread are sooo good with a stew or a grilled chicken kebab , to mop up some curry, or even simply like in a panini s/w.
will update more when im riding the train today in Sydney…
And what can be more fun than juggling a cup of latte ,praise the Lord for cups with lids.
So we first need to the make this sticky paste which is called tangzhong in china and shokupan in Japan where you cook some starch with a liquid and then use that as a base for your bread .this allows for the bread to absorb more water , which allows for the bread to stay cottonsoft for a lot longer without any other additives .
So for that first I took
Milk 300 ml and cooked it with 30 g of flour and butter to make a kind of a bechamel or white sauce. Keep 1 spoon separately.Cool that down till you can touch it with your fingers and add about 100 ml water .( Very important that it’s not too hot or you going to kill them yeastie babies
Then to that you add 6 g of yeast, and 10 g sugar and 10 g salt mix lightly and add flour 400 g( I used 50 g spelt, 200 whole wheat and 150 regular. I then just lightly mixed it up .
Then I proofed it in the fridge with some plastic wrap so it doesn’t get dry.
Then you knock it back , gently and divide into 4.round it up and leave it for a few minutes.
Then you sort of elongate the dough and make it into a rectangle shape . Dimple the top and proof again.
Test the side by touching the side.if it springs back immediately it’s not ready to bake just yet.
Prrheat your oven to 200 C and brush your bread dough with diluted bechamel+ 30ml of olive oil which you have saved in the first step…didn’t save it..Curses ..
Then top it with sesame seeds ,Nigella and I used some fennel too with some cracked salt.
Bake for approximately 14-16 minutes turning midway through the cooking process .brush with olive oil when done and serve..