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chocolate raspberry brownie

  1. Dark chocolate buttons  285 gms

  2. sugar  270 gms

  3. flour  45 gms

  4. cocoa 85 gms(dark really dark bitter kind)

  5. butter  185 gms

  6. eggs    3 nos

  7. Raspberry frozen  100 gms

  8. white chocolate buttons 100 gms

  9. vanilla essence 2 mlMethod
  • melt the dark chocolate and butter.

  • whisk eggs and sugar till thick and creamy.

  • mix well the flour and cocoa powder, if lumpy then sieve together.

  • Add vanilla essence , and the melted chocolate and butter mix to the eggs.

  • slowly fold in the flour /cocoa mixture.

  • line one half chafing pan/or half sheet pan 12 inch x 18 inch pan  with greaseproof paper, and pour the mix over it then top with the raspberries and the white chocolate.

  • bake at 175 C for 25-30 minutes. the center shouldn’t be too dry just soft cos we want them to be gooey like proper brownies should

  • Cool down well, and cut into desired size for use.

  • Makes about 1 small tray of brownie

saffron and pistachio ice cream


this recipe has been influenced quite a bit by the quintessential indian frozen ice cream kulfi and uses the worlds most expensive spice saffron for flavoring and coloring.


Saffron if you dint know comes form the crocusplant, and is the stigma  of the purple flower which grows on the plant. because its so tiny and delicate it has to be handpicked and since you only get 3 per flower, so pushed the prices ridiculously high. but nothing compares to the aroma and color that you can get from using really good saffron. you get some very good saffrom from iran, the worlds largest producer and the best quality saffron to look for is called sargol, which is the all red part of the stigma, with maximum color and aroma.


anyway after all that info, lets get down to business.


creme anglaise/ english custard


250 ml milk or half milk and half cream like we did


4 egg yolks


120 gm sugar


7-8 strands of saffron / more is not good, can get bitter and too much toxic(really).


100 gms of crushed pistachio nuts lightly toasted


combine the egg yolks with the sugar. warm the milk and add it to the egg and sugar mix. mix in well, but dont whisk it too much, otherwise it gets to foamy and then its difficult to see whether it has been cooked to the right degree.strain to get rid of any shell fragments and get a smoother texture.

put on a very very very low heat. if in doubt, then use a double boiler. cook till the mixture starts to thicken .at this stage you could add in the saffron just as it is or lightly toasted(10seconds in the microwave). take it off the fire, when it has thickened enough to coat the back of spoon with. cool down and either churn in the ice cream machine or put in the freezer and take out every half hour or so and give it a good whisking then . when its half set add int he pistachio and freeze.

use with abandon !!

Feijoa mousse

I first ate this at the marina restaurant  in gisborne and then made my version of it.

Feijoas- 500 gms- you will need to scoop out the flesh from inside them.
sugar-50 gms

first part- scoop out the pulp from the feijoas-for the people not from nz, its similar to a guava and the aroma s incredible. then cook these on low heat with the sugar till really nice and soft and pulpy.blend to a puree. it will have crunchy bits from the seeds in it. dont strain these out.these add to the nice crunchy texture in the middle of some creamy goodness


2 eggs whole
50 gms grain sugar+30-40 depending on how sweet your feijoa mix was.
10 gm gelatine soaked in abt 20 ml of water
250 ml cream.


whisk the eggs and 50 gm sugar over a double boiler until really frothy and thick and light. melt the gelatine in a microwave (10 seconds max and add it in)
taste your feijoa puree to see how sweet it is.should be fairly sweet but not cloyingly so.add into your egg mix.
whisk the cream and keep chilled.
when the feijoa , egg mix is cooled down , fold in the whipped cream, set in glass bowls or wine glasses or whatever you want it in really.

Falafel with tahina sauce

chick peas dry- soak overnight with a pinch of baking soda- 200 gms

fresh parsley- few sprigs – enough to make the mixture nice and green and give it a burst of flavour

fresh peeled garlic cloves – 4 nos.

lemon juce- from 1 lemon

salt – to taste

white onion peeled- 1 no

sesame seeds- about 2 tsp/10 gms

now drain the chickpeas, and grind to a semi smooth paste, without any water,(ok maybe 20 ml or so)  but with the onion, parsley, and the garlic. add in the lemon juice, the sesame seeds and season with salt.

form into about 20 gm patties and deep fry till browned and cooekd through.

serve with tahina sauce (tahina thinned down with some natural yoghurt ) called taratoor sauce in lebanon/syria

good as a snack or in a bun as vege filling.

Crab cakes

Heres a really nice crab cake recipe , but you have to be using real crab meat.Doesnt matter if its frozen , but not that awful stuff called crab sticks they have about 1% crabmeat and flavour and is cheap and nasty.

crabmeat- 250 gms / canned or frozen claw meat( lump is nice but thats for eating in salads and stuff for cooking claw meat is more economic and makes more sense to use.
mayonnaise- 25 gms +50 gms the 1st bit gets mixed in and the remainders for the dipping sauce
breadcrumbs- 50 gms – or just enough to bind the crab, we want the cakes to be moist and juicy not like a lump of cement.
egg- 1 nos
salt and pepper – to taste
chopped red onion- 50 gms
garlic- 2cloves chopped
parsley- small sprig
oil to shallow fry
chipotle chillies- 1/4 of dry chilli/can use the canned ones too.


heat about 10 gms of oil and lightly saute the onion ,garlic ,thyme and crab meat.  cool down
add mayonnaise, egg, bread , seasoning and shape into 30 gm flat round cakes
heat oil and shallow fry on both sides till crisp
for the sauce, whizz chipotle chillies with mayonnaise add some lime juice and zest.